Lana Scolaro: Radosti izazova

U svetu muzike ste još od detinjstva, svirate violončelo od 14. godine i gitaru od 16 godine. Danas ste multimedijalna umetnica – radite kao DJ, pevačica, muzički producent, tekstopisac i preduzetnica. Ko su vaši najveći uzori?

Moj najveći uzor definitivno je Gven Stefani. Sviđa mi se način na koji se razvijala od grupe No Dobut do solo pevačice, i svi njeni albumi su tako dirljivi, od tekstova do čitave produkcije. Motiviše me da kombinujem različite stilove u svakom smislu, od njene frizure / mode do muzike i tekstova. Dok je bila u bendu No Doubt, “Don’t speak” je bila moja omiljena pesma, a kada je postala nezavisna i istupila kao Gven Stefani njena tranzicija, od tako emotivne i iskrene do toga da govori otvoreno kroz svoje numere kao što su “Luxurious” i “Rich girl”, baš mi se dopala. Od svog imena napravila je brend i u tome sam se poistovetila sa njom, posebno sa njenim harajuku interpretacijama.

Kako je došlo od saradnje sa velikim imenima poput Boba Sinklera, Lucijana, SVNF8 I drugih?

Nije postojala neka određena ideja za saradnjama – zapravo, s moje tačke gledišta, Univerzum nas je spojio. Bila sam na Amnesiji na Ibici, kada je Lucijanov menadžer, Džon odlučio da se pridruži stolu moje sestre u VIP zoni, i ona mu je rekla da sam ja DJ. Nakon razgovora, pitao me je da otvorim Lucijanov nastup na Mikonosu, u klubu Santa Anna. Vlasnik Mynt kluba u Majamiju i ja smo dobri prijatelji, i on j eželeo da nastupam uz Boba Sniklera tokom Ultra music festivala. SVNF8 je moj blizak prijatelj, kog sam upoznala u klubu e11ven u Majamiju, i bili smo na telefonskoj liniji dok smo sedeli svako u svom studiju u različitim zemljama kada sam mu poslala neke vojs beleške koje je on odlučio da ubaci u svoju numeru.

Gde crpite inspiraciju za stvaranje pesama i kreiranje plejlista?

Prvo me inspirišu vokalisti, posebno sanjiv spor melanholični stil, koji potom ukomponujem sa tehno haus ritmom i miksam ih zajedno. Volim ovaj način rada jer su u pitanju toliko različiti pravci i to je nešto novo na čemu radim. Takođe, većinu svog vremena provodim tražeći muziku i provodim vreme u studiju sa drugim umetnicima čiji rad mi donosi nove ideje.

Vaši ciljevi za budućnost?

Moji ciljevi su da budem samostalni muzički producent i potencijalno imam sopstvenu muzičku izdavačku kuću. Obožavam muziku, ali ne vidim sebe kao DJ do kraja života. Uživam u komponovanju i nalaženju nepoznatih umetnika koji zaslužuju da se čuju.

Sebe ste opisali kao DJ-a u Metaverzumu, da li to znaci da već imate avatara u ovom virtualnom 3D prostoru?

Imam svog NFT avatara, koji će uskoro raditi kao DJ na sajber jahti, koja okuplja razne umetnike, i oni će, takođe, biti izvođači na ovoj virtuelnoj zabavi u Metaverzumu.

Kao NFT kolekcionar, koje najvrednije delo posedujete na platformi?

Posedujem sopstvenu kitty avatar NFT galeriju u Metaverzumu, tako da su mi sva moja umetnička dela dragocena.

Studirali ste dizajn na Parsons školi dizajna. Kako biste opisali vašu estetiku?

Pohađanje Parsons škole za dizajn bio je jedan sasvim nov svet za mene, s obzirom da nisam poznavala Njujork tako dobro do selidbe, kao ni tamošnje ljude. Prijatelji koje sam stekla dok sam živela u tom gradu imali su ogroman uticaj na moj život i kreativu. Moja estetika stalno se menja i ako nešto, poput izgleda mog profila na Instagramu ne izgleda kako treba, to me užasno uznemiri.

Da li pratite modne trendove ili preferirate kreiranje sopstvenog stila, kao što je barbiecore, s obzirom da veoma podsećate na popularnu lutku?

Opsednuta sam modom, ali ne pratim trendove, već preferiram kreiranje sopstvenog stila i kombinovanje street style-a i visoke mode. Uvek sam volela da imam dugu, plavu kosu i da se igram sa svojom barbi kućom iz snova kada sam bila mala, pa je možda to uticalo na moju estetiku. Ne pokušavam da budem neko ko nisam. Punila sam usne i imam ekstenzije u kosi ali nisam se nikada podvrgnula operacijama.

Posedujete kompaniju Lana Scolaro Diamonds, kako je došlo do pokretanja sopstvenog brenda nakita?

Nakon Parsons škole, osetila sam strast za crtanjem i odlučila da skiciram neki “buntovnički” temastki nakit, koji sam potom i proizvela u Vićenci, dok sam živela u Monaku kada mi je bilo 19 godina. Dopala mi se ideja dizajniranja kul nakita za mlade ljude I tinejdžere, jer ja nikada nisam to mogla da pronađem za sebe.

Aktivni ste na društvenim mrežama, koja je poruka koju šaljete preko svojih naloga?

Kada ljudi vide moje društvene mreže ne bi trebalo da se vezuju samo za ono što objavljujem i moje fotografije, i da možda veruju da sam nešto što nisam. Ja sam čovek i nisu sve moje fotografije postavljene radi zabave, već i da pokažem da se svet umnogome menja u digitalni metaverzum, kao i da ne shvataju društvene mreže toliko ozbiljno.

English here:

Hello Lana,

You have been drawn to music since childhood, and began playing cello at the age of fourteen and guitar at sixteen. You are now a multimedia artist, working as a DJ, singer, record producer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. Who has been your biggest role model? 

My biggest role model is definitely Gwen Stefani. I love how she diverted from No Doubt and all her albums which were so touching from the lyrics to the production. She motivates me to mix different media and styles from her hair styles / fashion to her music and lyrics. When she was No Doubt, “Don’t Speak” was my favourite track and being independent self as Gwen Stefani, I love her transition from being so emotional and heartfelt to then speaking through her lyrics in her track “Luxurious” and “Rich girl.” She has a whole vibe and brand to her name and I can relate to her so much especially with her harajuku interpretations.

How did you come up with the idea to collaborate with Bob Sinclar, Luciano, SVNF8, and others artist?

This was not an idea to collaborate with any of these artists – actually, it was from my view straight from the universe. I was at Amnesia in Ibiza where Luciano’s manager, Johan decided to join my sisters table in the vip area and she told him I was a dj and we got talking and he asked me to open for Luciano at Santa Anna club in Mykonos for the opening. I am very good friends with the owner of Mynt club in Miami so he asked me if I wanted to play alongside Bob Sinclair during ultra music festival. SVNF8 is a very good friend of mine who I met at e11ven club in Miami and we were on the phone while in the studio in different countries and I sent him some voice notes which he then decided to put in his tracks.

Where do you get your inspiration for composing songs and creating playlists? 

I first am inspired by vocalists, especially dreamy slow melancholy style, and then I incorporate this with a tech house beat and mix them together. I love this because the two are so diverse and it is something new I am working on. I also spend the majority of my time searching for music and spending time in the studio with other artists so it opens up ideas for me how they work also.

What are your future career goals? 

My future career goals are to solely produce music and potentially have my own record label. I love music so much but don’t see myself as a dj for the rest of my life. I enjoy composing and finding new unknown artists who deserve to be heard.

You described yourself as a Metaverse DJ – does that mean you already have an avatar in this 3D virtual space? 

I do have my own NFT avatar which will be djing soon on cyber yachts which is a real cyber yacht which has different artists who will be performing on the cyber yacht in the metaverse. 

As an NFT collector, what is the most valuable piece of art you own on the platform? 

I have my own kitty avatar nft gallery in the Metaverse so all of my own pieces of art are the most precious to me.

You studied design at Parsons School of Design. How would you describe your own aesthetic? 

Parsons the new school for design was a whole different world for me as I hadn’t spent that much time in New York before moving there alone and not knowing so many people. The friends I made while living in the city have had a major impact on my life both on a creative and executed stand. My aesthetic is always changing and if something such as my profile grid on Instagram doesn’t look right it bothers me.

Do you follow fashion trends or do you prefer your own style, such as Barbiecore, considering that you closely resemble the popular doll? 

I am obsessed with fashion, I don’t follow trends and prefer to create my own and mix street style with high fashion. I always loved having long blonde hair and playing with my Barbie dream house when I was young so maybe this impacted my aesthetic. I don’t try to be anyone I am not. Looks wise I have had lip injections and I have hair extensions but no surgery.

You founded LD Diamonds, so how did you come up with the idea to design jewelry? 

After leaving parsons I knew that I had a passion for drawing and decided to sketch out some “rebellious” themed jewelry which i then had manufactured in Vicenza while I was living in Monaco at age 19. I loved the whole idea of designing cool jewelry for young adults / teens as I could never find any myself.

What message would you like to be shared when people look at your social media?

I would like to share that when people look at my social media, they shouldn’t only look at what I post and photos of me and perhaps believe I am something which I am not. I am a human and not all of my photos are posted for fun, but to also show that the world is changing majorly into a digital metaverse, and to not take social media too seriously.

Model: @lanascolaro

Photo: @dan_daniel_photography 

Hair: @osh_shikhair

Dress: @gemymaalouf

Bag: @dior 

Make Up: @lanascolaro

PR agency: @Say__media