Zaljubljenica u štampana izdanja magazina koje sakuplja još od detinjstva, Amber Rose Podalski je zvezda naše septembarske digitalne naslovnice. U razgovoru sa njom uspeli smo da između ostalog saznamo kako se postižu savršeni trbušnjaci, koju muziku najčešće sluša, ali i kako sebe vidi za 10 godina. Upoznajte Amber Rose.
Haljina: Haleia @haleia
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericksonbeamon
Čuli smo da obožavate magazine. Šta vas toliko privlači kod njih?
Još od najranijeg detinjstva sam obožavala magazine. Za mene je to bilo fascinantno jer sam na jednom mestu mogla da vidim modu, vest ii modele. Oduvek sam sanjala da se nađem u jednom editorijalu dok sam listala strane. Prepoznavanje supermodela i mojih omiljenih brendova mi je bilo magično. Magazini su mi podarili san da jednog dana postanem is ama model. Viđala sam prelepe žene na naslovnicama i želela sam da budem kao i one. Najprivlačnije u njima mi je moda. Moda koju ne možete kupiti na rafovima običnih radnji, već je dizajnerska. Znala sam da ne mogu lako da kupim te stvari, ali sam želela da ih nosim i da osetim taj osećaj koji se dobija samo kada se obuku te stvari.
Vežbanje je veoma važan segment vašeg života. Da li nam možete odati tajnu vaših besprekornih trbušnjaka?
Uvek sam volela da budem aktivna. Dosta sam posvećena vežbanju i zdravlju, posebno otkako sam krenula da se bavim modelingom. U površno orijentisanom svetu, modeling nije samo karijera, već i način života. Mnoge devojke nažalost se izgube na putu do uspeha, ali ono u šta sam bila sigurna jeste da želim da modelingu pristupim najzdravije moguće. Počela sam često da vežbam i to me je učinilo da se osećam dobro. Najvažnija tajna kod savršenih trbušnjaka, jeste da volite svoje telo. Kako biste dobili mišiće, morate da napravite dobru povezanost između vašeg uma i tela. Dok radim vežbe za telo, radim i vežbe za um tako što se ohrabrujem konstantno kako bih izgurala celu vežbu. Naravno, protein je takođe jedan od glavnih mojih aduta koji se tiču “savšrenog tela”, ali ipak mislim da pravo savršenstvo dolazi iznutra.
Haljina: ZCrave @zcrave
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
Cipele: Nicholas Kirkwood @nicholaskirkwood
Da li imate neku dnevnu beauty rutinu?
Moja beauty rutina mi je omiljeni deo dana. Briga o sebi je najvažnija. Obožavam da odvojim dan samo za sebe kako bih se odmorila i negovala. Takođe volim da eksperimentišem sa šminkom. Ako žeim jednostavan izgled tog dana, počinjem sa spf kremom, zatim gelom za obrve, korektorom i sa malo pudera. Ali ako želim da budem totalno glam našminkana, dodajem ajlajner i veštačke trepavice, kao i sjaj za usta i olovku koja su dobitna kombinacija.
Kako izgleda vaš slobodan dan?
Slobodni dani su veoma važni. Posebno kada se bavite modelingom zato što ste konstantno u nekoj žurbi. Trenutno sam u Milanu, tako da bi moj slobodan dan ovde izgledao tako što bih u kafiću pila kapućino i pisala dnevnik. Dnevnik mi pomaže da svoje misli prenesem na papir i razbistrim ih. Nakon toga bih otišla u šetnju, koju volim da zovem hot girl walk, i onda bih se izležavala i pripemala za sledeći radni dan skupljajući energiju.
Haljina: Haleia @haleia
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericksonbeamon
Da li imate neke hobije?
Obožavam da pišem dnevnik, motivacione table i da provodim vreme sa porodicom i prijateljima. Volim kada sam kreativna, tako da dosta vremena provodim pravljenje vizuelnih table koje mi pomažu da vizualizujem svoje snove. Tako je bilo i sa modelingom. Ako nešto možete da vizualizujete, možete i da ga ostvarite. Moje table se sastoje od mojih misli, fotografija, citata i stvari koje želim da imam u budućnosti. Pored svega ovoga, moji prijatelji i porodica mi pružaju sigurnost i srećna sam kad sam okružena sa njima. Podržavaju me beskrajno i jako volim da stvaram uspomene sa njima.
Koja vam je omiljena destinacija za putovanje?
Ja sam definitivno devojka za tropske krajeve. Mogla bih ceo dan da provedem na plaži sunčajući se. Omiljena mesta na kojima sam bila su Haiti i Bermuda. Često sam išla na krstarenja tim ostrvima sa prozirnom, čistom i toplom vodom. Takođe, ljudi tamo su preljubazni i veoma gostoprimljivi. Dodala bih i Milano na tu listu, posebno otkako sam krenula da se bavim modelingom, ali i jezero Komo. Pejzaži su predivni, a i mediteran je oduvek bio na mojoj listi. Postoji još mnogo mesta koja bih volela da obiđem, i veoma sam zahvalna što mi moj posao donekle to i dozvoljava.
Haljina: Victor Lopez @victorlopezny
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
Šta se uvek nalazi na vašoj plejlisti?
Često menjam svoje plejliste. Fascinirana sam muzikom kao umetnošću. Bila sam na mnogo koncerata da sam zaboravila broj. Moj omiljeni muzičar je Travis Skot i na njegovim koncertima sam bila čak 6 puta i nadam se da ću uskoro ponovo otići. Jedna od njegovih pesama kaže “Pusti da te nosi ambicija” i to je ono za šta mislim da čini život zanimljivijim – ambicija. Pored njega imam i miks popa i r&b muzike kao što su Samer Volker, Brajson Tajler, Drejk i naravno Megan Di Stalion.
Da se ne bavite modelingom, čime biste se bavili?
I da nisam model, sigurno bih se bavila nečim što ima veze sa modom. Studirala sam prodaju pre nego što sam se upustila u manekenstvo. Uvek sam posao modnog bajera smatrala primamljivim, ali takođe smatram i marketing i preduzetništvo veoma primamljivim profesijama. Definitivno planiram da jednog dana pokrenem svoj biznis u domenu marketinga u modi. Girl Boss je nešto što definitivno želim da budem.
Haljina: Victor Lopez @victorlopezny
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
Gde vidite sebe za 10 godina?
Vidim se kao srećnu, zdravu i uspešnu manekenku koja je izgradila svoje ime u ovoj industriji. Za mene uspeh nije bogatstvo, već osećaj zahvalnosti. Kada krenem da radim nešto uvek dajem 100% sebe i verujem da ću za 10 godina biti poznato ime u modnom svetu, ne zbog svog izgleda, već zbog integriteta i strasti koju imam prema modi.
Šta biste poručili našim čitaocima?
Najvažnija poruka koju želim da pošaljem vašim čitaocima je ta da vole sebe i da stave prioritet na svoje mentalno zdravlje. Pored modne industrije, mi kao ljudi smo previše okupirani društvenim mrežama. Veoma je važno da naše ekrane ispunimo lepim mislima i da se fokusiramo na pozitivnu energiju. Previše ljudi danas je suicidno i depresivno. Sama sam izgubila ujaka zbog ove opake bolesti i nikada nisam uvidela simptome zbog fasade koju takvi ljudi postavljaju kako ne bi brinuli svoje prijatelje i porodicu. Molim vas komunicirajte sa ljudima koje volite i obratie pažnju na depresivne simptome pre nego što bude kasno. Voli te sebe i delite tu ljubav sa drugima.
Haljina: Manthey @msmanthey
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
English here:
Amber Rose Podalski: Late summer
Girl who is in love with printed magazines since her early childhood, Amber Rose Podalski is a star of our september digital cover. In this interview she told us how to get perfect abs, what’s on her playlist and how she sees herself in 10 years. Meet Amber Rose.
We heard that you love magazines. What is so appealing in them to you?
I have always loved magazines from a young age.For me it was so fascinating to see fashion, news and models all in one place. The dream of being featured in a magazine editorial felt more attainable as I was flipping through the pages. Recognizing supermodels and my favorite brands while reading felt like magic. Magazines birthed the dream of becoming a supermodel for me. I saw beautiful women on the cover, and I knew I wanted to be just like them. The most appealing part of the magazines is the fashion. Fashion that you can’t just buy on the shelfs at any local store, it was designer. I knew if I couldn’t easily buy these pieces, I wanted to model them and feel the glory that fashion art makes you feel.
Haljina: Haleia @haleia
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
Cipele: Rossi Tuxedo @rossituxedo
Working out is very important part of your life. Can you tell us a secret for perfect abs?
I have always enjoyed being active. I fully invested myself into my health and physique when I started modeling. In a superficial based industry, Modeling is not just a career, it is a lifestyle. Many girls sadly lose themselves along the way trying to make it, but i knew that if I wanted to remain in my “model figure” I would do it in the most healthiest approach. I started consistently working out and eating things that made me feel good. I soon found a fitness regimen that was perfect for me. The most important secret to getting perfect abs is loving your body. To gain muscle you must have a great mind – body connection. As I workout my body, I workout my mind as well, telling myself encouraging and loving thoughts that allow me to push through my workouts. Of Course weights and protein do the trick as well, but a “perfect” body comes from within, because perfection comes in all shapes and sizes.
Do you have a daily beauty routine? If so, can you describe it?
My daily beauty routine is actually one of my favorite steps of the day. Self care for me is so important. Having self care days allow for your body to rejuvenate and relax. For me, doing my makeup is self care. I love just tuning out the world and being artistic with the makeup I put on my face. If i want a simple look that day, Ill start with sunscreen always! and then add brow gel, concealer and powder. But if I want full glam, I’m adding a wing liner so sharp it hurts and lashes that I can fly away with. A cute lip gloss and liner combo always elevates my makeup looks for me as well, completing my full glam face.
Haljina Richards Radcliffe @richardsradcliffe
Nakit: Erickson Beamon @ericskonbeamon
How do you rest? What it looks like when you have a day off?
Rest days are super important. Especially as a model since we are constantly running around trying to make it to our job, the next fitting or casting. Rest days are needed frequently. I am currently in Milan, Italy so a preferred rest day for me here is starting my day at a cafe with a cappuccino and journaling all of my thoughts. Releasing my thoughts and putting them onto paper allows me to clear my mind and open up to new incoming positive energy. Afterwards, I’ll go for a walk, or what I like to call a hot girl walk, just to make me feel good while being active. And a rest day can’t be a day without rest, so I take plenty of time to lay around, clean up and prepare for my busier days ahead.
Do you have any hobbies?
Besides modeling, some of my hobbies include journaling, making vision boards, and spending time with friends and family. I love being creative, so I spend most of my time taking my thoughts and dreams and putting them into vision boards. Creating a vision board is what actually made my modeling dreams into a reality. If you can visualize something and really believe it in your mind, you can make it happen in real life. My vision boards consist of journaled thoughts, photos, quotes, and things that I desire to have in the future. Besides this, being with friends and family really allows me to enjoy the current moment I’m in with good laughs and great energy. My friends and family support me indefinitely, but on my off days its nice to just kick back with them and make memories opposed to my modeling life.
What is your favorite travel destination?
I am definitely a tropical girl. If I could lay on a beach all day in the sun I would do it. Some of my favorite travel destinations include Haiti and Bermuda. I have been on family cruises there and I have had the most beautiful vacations on those islands. The sand is powder white and the water is crystal clear blue and warm. Also the people are just amazing and so welcoming. Since being in Milan, Italy for modeling, Lake Como has gained a spot on my favorite destination list as well. The views are beautiful, and the mediterranean lakes have always been on my bucket list. It is truly a sight to see. There are still many places that I hope to travel to in the next few years. Thankfully my career allows me to work and travel at the same time, so seeing the world is a gift to me.
Who is always on your playlist?
I have constant rotation of music on my playlist. I am fascinated by music and the art of sound. I have been to so many concerts I have lost count. My favorite artist is Travis Scott. I have seen him in concert 6 times and I am hoping to see him again soon. Travis Scott inspires me to be the best version of myself and to live life through rage. One of his lyrics that I live by is “Let your ambition carry you” . To be ambitious through life is what makes living exciting. I also have a rotation of pop and r&b including Summer Walker, Bryson Tiller, Drake, and ofcourse my girl Megan Thee Stallion.
If you weren’t a model, what would be your profession?
If I weren’t a model, my profession would still be in the fashion- retail field. I studied retail business and received my associates degree prior to modeling. I have always found fashion buying interesting, but I also love marketing, retail and entrepreneurship. I definitely still plan to own my business one day in the fashion marketing field. Being a Girl Boss in this generation is so empowering and uplifting. I love the thought of working for myself and building a brand/company from the ground up.
Where do you see your self in 10 years from now?
In 10 years from now, I see myself happy, healthy, and a successful recognized model in this industry. For me, success is not defined by wealth, but by the feeling of completion and gratitude. Once I start something, I go into it with 100% integrity. I believe in 10 years from now I will be a well known name in fashion, not because of my looks, but because of my dignity, passion and perseverance in fashion.
Do you have any message for our readers?
The most important message that I want the readers to remember alongside the editorial is to love yourself and to prioritize your mental health. Besides the fashion industry, we as people tend to get caught up in social media and in our own heads. It is of great importance that we make sure to feed our mind with loving thoughts that consist of only positive energy. Too many people are becoming affected by depression and suicide. I myself have lost an Uncle to suicide, and I never saw any striking symptons leading up because of the positive facade he put on to keep my family and I happy. Please talk to your loved ones and pay attention to depression and suicidal tendacies before it is to late. Love yourself and share love with others.
Team credits:
Photographer: Andres McRea @andres.mcrea
Stylist: Christine Manthey @msmanthey
Model & HMUA: Amber Rose Podlaski @amberpodlaski