U ekskluzivnom intervjuu za Grazia Serbia, svetski poznat model Biljana Cvijetinović govori o svojim počecima u Novom Sadu, najtežim aspektima modelinga ali i prihvatanju kritike kao ključnom faktoru za uspeh. Njena raskošna lepota pandan je njenom ličnom stavu.
1. Kako ste započeli karijeru i koji je bio vaš put?
Zapravo sam počela prilično rano, kada sam imala samo 9 godina. Išla sam u školu za talente u svom rodnom Novom Sadu. Nedugo zatim otišao sam na Nivea kasting / takmičenje za nova lica, osvojila prvo mesto i potpisala ugovor sa najboljom agencijom za modele u Srbiji, Fox Models. Konačno, kada sam napunila 17 godina, počela sam da putujem. Moje prvo putovanje je bilo odlazak u Pariz, gde sam potpisala ugovor sa jednom od najprestižnijih agencija Metropolitan i tamo radila tri meseca za mnoge brendove. Ubrzo nakon toga počela sam da dobijam ponude i na drugim mestima, kao što su Milan – Vave, Istanbul – Ace, Peking – M2, Bangkok – Apple i Mexico Citi – Class Modeli.
2. Kako izgleda vaš uobičajeni dan na poslu?
Ako je reč o foto snimanju, ono može podrazumevati stvarno rano buđenje i rad dok se ne uhvati pobednička fotografija. Slikanje zaista može trajati satima. Uvek imam spreman izbor poza, ali pratim smernice fotografa i koncept samog brenda. Obično pustimo muziku i polako kreće magija!
3. Da li imate iskustva sa kritikama i kako ih podnosite?
Da. Verujem da je važno znati prihvatiti kritiku i raditi na sebi. Svakog dana postoji nešto novo za naučiti. Naročito u modnoj industriji. Radije bih to doživela kao konstruktivnu kritiku i pokušala da izvučem najbolje iz toga. Pogotovo ako kritiku upućuje neko iskusniji od mene.
4. Šta smatrate najtežim aspektom ovog posla?
Najteži aspekt za mene je definitivno neizvesnost. Mnogo je poslova koji su rezervisani „u poslednji čas“ i morate biti spremni da napustite sve i da se u potpunosti posvetite poslu. Teško je bilo šta drugo planirati… Ali ima i u tome uzbudljivog! Rezervacija letova u poslednjem trenutku i samo “uskakanje” u avion i sutrašnji boravak u potpuno drugoj zemlji je nešto na šta sam se navikla tokom godina.
5. Koji su vaši najzapaženiji poslovi?
Moja dva omiljena definitivno su revije za Dior i Givenchy, zatim kampanje za brendove Sephora, AVON, JLO, NIKE. Časopisi koje bih spomenula su Elle, Grazia, The Times UK, Cosmopolitan i VANNABE. Radila sam i mnogo TV reklama poput Samsung-a, Thai Airvais-a, Fiat Aegea-e u Turskoj, popularnog grčkog brenda za zaštitu od sunca Carroten, Eve Tea Svitzerland.
6. Možete li nam reći koje su dobre a koje loše strane posla?
Mnogo je sjajnih stvari koje dolaze sa modelingom. Imate priliku da upoznate mnogo zanimljivih ljudi. Možete postati poznati i međunarodno priznati. Ako se potrudite, imate priliku da zaradite puno novca. Možete raditi sa prestižnim brendovima, nositi njihovu odeću i biti njihovo zaštitno lice. Velika je čast raditi sa najvećim modnim kućama. Loša strana su mali honorari na početku karijere. Potrebno je puno vremena i truda da biste postali vrhunski model, međunarodno priznat, ali kad to jednom učinite, to je zaista veliko dostignuće.
~~~~~ENGLISH HERE~~~~~
1. How did you start and what was your path?
I actually started pretty early, when i was only 9 years old. I went to a school for talents in my hometown, Novi Sad, that I did for four years. Not so long after that I went to a Nivea casting/competition for New Faces, won the first place in my city (top 3 in the country) and got signed with the best model agency in Serbia, Fox Models. Finally, when I turned 17, I started traveling. My first trip was to Paris where I got signed with one of the most prestigious agencies Metropolitan and worked there three months for many different brands. Fast after that I started getting contracts in the other places as well where i was getting paid/they were handling me as their top model, like Milan – Wave, Istanbul – Ace, Beijing – M2, Bangkok – Apple, and Mexico City – Class Models
2. How does your typical day in work look like?
If it’s a photoshoot, this may involve waking up really early and working until the winning shot is captured. Shootings can last hours, indeed. I always have a selection of poses ready but following the photographer’s lead and the brands concept for the shoot. We would usually play some music and just make the magic happen!
If it’s a casting – always being positive, giving my best at showing I’m a good fit for the job, believing in myself and never giving up! There is a lot of competition yes, but you always need to know what is that thing that makes you different than others/stand out.
3. Do you have any experience with criticism? How do you handle it?
Yes. I believe it’s important to know how to handle/accept the criticism and work on yourself. Every day there is something new to learn. Especially in my industry. I would rather see it as a constructive criticism and try to take/make the best out of it. Especially if a criticism is coming from someone more experienced than me and who’s been in the industry for long enough. I would totally respect the opinion and see where i could improve and try to work more on myself.
4. What do you consider the toughest aspect of this job?
The toughest aspect for me is definitely the uncertainty. There are a lot of jobs that are booked “last minute” and you need to be ready to leave everything and commit yourself fully to the job. It’s hard to plan anything else when there is a possibility you will get booked one of the next days. But there is something exciting about that as well! Booking flights last moment and just jumping on a plane and being in a completely another country tomorrow is something I got used to over the years now.
5. What are your most notable jobs?
My two favorite ones are definitely walking for Dior, Givenchy and Mary Kay, then showing up on a campaign for one of the most prestigious beauty brands Sephora, as well as AVON, and also the best sports brand NIKE! The magazines I would say… Elle Magazine, Grazia Magazine, The Times UK, Cosmopolitan and WANNABE. I did lots of tvc’s as well like Samsung, Thai Airways, Fiat Aegea in Turkey, popular Greek sunscreen brand Carroten, Eve Tea Switzerland,… Even the campaigns for famous people’s brands like JLO (Jennifer Lopez) and the fashion show with my favorite artist J Balvin! There were many more but I would definitely highlight those.
6. What are the best and the worst things in this career?
– There are a lot of great things that come with modeling;
You have the chance to meet many interesting people.
You can become famous and internationally recognized.
If you work hard, you have the opportunity to earn lots of money.
You get to work with the prestigious brands, wear their pieces of clothes and be their face (represent them). It’s such an honor and a great feeling to work with the biggest fashion houses.
The worst – I think not getting paid a lot of money at the beginning. It takes a lot of time and effort to become a top model, internationally recognized, but once you do it’s a great achievement indeed.
Team credits:
Photographers: Caleb & Gladys @calebandgladys
Model: Biljana Cvijetinovic @biljana.cvijetinovic
Stylist: Aleksandra Markovic @little_lexa_
Makeup: Ann Benjamas, using Laura Mercier @ann_twenty2makeup
Hair: Timothy Aylward, using R+Co Bleu @timothyaylward