Angelika Gribova – Diva plavih očiju

Top Zuhair Murad; Ogrlica Schiaparelli

Angelika Gribova ima 24 godine a već je postala svetski poznat model. U intervjuu za, razgovarali smo o njenim počecima, novoj knjizi i planovima za budućnost.

Kako ste počeli da radite kao model?

Otkrio me je fotograf u Parizu tokom nedelje mode. Sve se dogodilo slučajno, krenula sam kući sa fakulteta i čim me je video na ulici, predstavio se i ostvarili smo kontakt. Slikali smo se zajedno, a onda sam potpisala ugovor sa agencijom. Nisam imala takve planove, u to vreme sam želela da nastavim studije arheologije.

Haljina i torba Versace; Marama Hermes; Ogrlica Fairee

Čime se bavite u slobodno vreme?

Volim da se bavim jogom, to me smiruje i pomaže mi da ostanem u formi, bavim se sa četiri različite vrste joge. Takođe volim da slikam, mislim da je to odličan način da se izrazite i oslobodite stresa!

Recite nam nešto o svojoj novoj knjizi „Portret modela“?

U svojoj knjizi govorim o tamnoj strani manekenstva. Želela sam da dočaram mladim devojkama kako da izbegnu zamke i uobičajene probleme. U knjizi govorim i o nekim svojim iskustvima, Filmskom festivalu u Kanu, San Tropeu, Monaku i zabavnim situacijama koje su mi se dogodile sa neverovatnim ljudima koje sam upoznala.

Šešir Mihano Momosa; Naočare Rendel Paris; Minđuše D’estree; Haljina Dolce&Gabbana

Koliki je značaj društvenih mreža danas?

Veoma sam prisutna na društvenim mrežama. Oni daju modi veliki značaj i čine industriju manje elitističkom i sveobuhvatnijom nego ranije. Društvene mreže su definitivno promenile moj svet, pružile su mi više prilika da izrazim svoju viziju.

Kako je Covid-19 uticao na Vaš rad?

Covid-19 mi je dao više vremena da se fokusiram na sebe i ono što mi je zaista važno. Ovo vreme sam iskoristila da se usredsredim na svoje društvene mreže i lične projekte.

Haljina i tašna Azzedine Alaia; Traka za kosu Ika Paris; Minđuše Dolce&Gabbana; Ogrlica Lanvin; Cipele Maison Ernest

Kakvi su Vaši planovi za budućnost?

Sledeće lansiranje biće platforma za e-shop, kojoj je trebalo skoro dve godine da se razvije. Završavam svoju novu knjigu koja je vodič za luksuz u Parizu i fokusira se na gostoljubivost i luksuzne hotele.



At the age of 24, Angelika Gribova has already become a world-famous, successful model. She has been featured on many International magazines and is extremely passionate about the fashion industry.  

Haljina Lanvin; Minđuše D’estree; Narukvica i prsten Bonanza

Also, she is a writer and she has already published a book about her life and her modeling experience call “The portrait of a model”.  For now, she is working on her new book, and indeed she is developing her Instagram account with new collaborations.

How did you start working as a fashion model?

I was discovered in Paris during Paris Fashion Week by a French photographer. It all started by accident, I was on my way home from college, and as soon as he saw me on the street, he introduced himself and we kept in touch. We took pictures together and then I signed directly in a modeling agency. It was not my intention, at that time I wanted to continue my studies to become an archaeologist.

What do you do in your free time? Do you have secret passions?

I love doing yoga, it calms me down and helps me stay in shape, I do 4 different types of yoga. I also love to paint and decorate, I think it’s a great way to express yourself and release stress!

Blejzer Alexandre Vauthier; Košulja Schiaparelli; Šorts Saint Laurent; Cipele Amina Muaddi; Torba Iris Noble

Tell us about your new book “Portrait of a Model”?

In my book, I talk about the dark side of modeling work. I wanted to tell stories that could help young girls, going behind the scenes to avoid pitfalls and common issues they might have with each other. In the book I also talk about some of my experiences, the Cannes Film Festival, St Tropez, Monaco and fun situations that happened to me with amazing people that I have met and known.

What is your relationship with social networks?

I am very present on social networks. They give fashion a big impact and make the industry less elitist and more inclusive than before. Social networks have definitely changed my world, they have given me more opportunities to express my vision, to be seen and heard.

How has Covid-19 affected your work?

Covid1-9 has given me more time to focus on myself and what is really important to me. I took this time to focus on my social networks and my personal projects.

Do you have plans for your future?

My next launch will be an AI-powered e-commerce platform, which took almost 2 years to develop. Now, I am finishing another upcoming new book, which is a guide to luxury in Paris and focuses on hospitality and luxury hotels.

Photographer: Baard Lunde // ADB agency

Model: Angelika Gribova

Producer: Jean-Marc Mondelet

Stylist: Gabriela Cambero

Make Up: Jolanda Cedro using Guerlain // B-Agency

Hair: Oliver Henry // B-Agency