Viktorija Bekam: Želim da se osećam seksi ponovo

Rajf sa lateks zečijim ušima Atusko Kudo
Kardigan Victoria Beckham
Veš What Katie Did
Čipkani šorts raspoloživ za rentiranje u Found and Vision
Cipele Saint Laurent

Gospođa Bekam ume da se snađe sa dobrim haljinama – što je viđeno na nedavnom porodičnom venčanju. Sada, uzvraća sa pristupačnom novom kolekcijom (koja je i te kako seksi).

Intervju: Jess Cartner-Morley

Sunčan je prolećni dan u njenoj londonskoj kancelariji, i Viktorija Bekam drži ispružene ruke sa besprekornim manikirom, gestikulirajući kao da  lupka ili steže fudbalsko loptu, ili možda ogromnu berskvu.

,,Svaka žena želi lepu, oblu zadnjicu, zar nije tako?“, kaže ona. ,,Zbog toga je potrebna uska pletenina koja bi izrazila struk i stegla na svim pravim mestima. Potrebni su modni detalji, uklopljeni i postavljeni na prava mesta tako da kreiraju laskavu siluetu. Tako se pravi ono što zovem ultimativna sukcy-sucky haljina.“

Top VB Body
Svilena suknja Richard Quinn

Zvaničniji naziv za „sukcy-sucky haljine“ koji inspiriše Viktoriju Bekam da ženske obline istakne u prvi plan je VB Body, upravo lansirana linija haljina i dvodelnih komada koji dizajnerku vraćaju njenim korenima kada su u pitanju krojevi. Posle decenije bluza sa kragnama u obliku mašne, pantalona sa širokim nogavicama, haljina srednje dužine i savršeno skrojenih oversize pletenina, Bekam je ponovo prigrlila date-night haljine kojima je prvi put osvojila skeptičnu modnu industriju koja se ustalasala u jednoj hotelskoj sobi tokom njujorške nedelje mode videvši va-va voom haljine, davne 2008. godine.

Ako bismo ih zamislili u Majamiju u proleće 2021., u tom trenutku bežeći od beskrajne kolotečine britanskog lockdown-a, videli bismo Bekamove koji porodično provode vreme u gradu gde je Dejvid Bekam suvlasnik fudbalskog tima Inter iz Majamija. „U Majamiju ima mnogo žena sa oblinama, i one u tome zaista uživaju, znate?“ podseća Bekam. „Šetaju plažama Majamija sa puno odeće  i izgledaju fantastično. One pokazuju svoja tela sa takvim samopouzdanjem. Smatrala sam da su i njihov stav i njihov stil zaista oslobađajući. I kao majka, volela sam činjenicu da je Harper bila u blizini žena koje su zaista slavile svoje obline i uživale u tome kako izgledaju.“

„To je staromodan stav, želja da budete zaista mršavi“, kaže Bekam danas. „Mislim da žene danas žele da izgledaju zdravo i oblo. Žele da imaju grudi i zadnjicu” . Na njenom prstu, ogroman dijamant sija, dok ona stiska svoju zamišljenu breskvu kako bi naglasila. „Što ste zaobljeniji, moje VB Body haljine izgledaju bolje“.

Top What Katie Did
Skirt VB Body
Cipele Christian Louboutin

Obučena u crno, sa dugim Balenciaga čizmama na štiklu ispod duge suknje sa šlicom i svilenom bluzom iz sopstvene kolekcije, ona izgleda vitko kao i uvek. Kada je ovo primetila, ona je slegla ramenima. „Ne radi se o tome da ste određene veličine. Radi se o tome da znate ko ste i da budete srećne sa onim što jeste. Našla sam sopstveni balans između želje da se zabavljam i discipline u vezi sa zdravom ishranom i vežbanjem. Kad si mlađi, boriš se protiv tog balansa, ali što sam starija znam kako ta ravnoteža izgleda. Znam šta mi služi i šta mi najbolje stoji.“

Ali, takođe želi što bolju moguću zadnjicu, za koju svakog jutra radi čučnjeve. Posle niza godina praktikovanja metode Trejsi Anderson koja podrazmeva “tonu kardia’’ promenila je svoj fitnes režim i fokusirala se na dizanje tegova pet do šest dana u nedelji, sa Dejvidom kao ličnim trenerom. ,,Oduvek su me tegovi malo plašili, ali se ispstavilo da ih volim. Čak sam dobila i ove specijalne rukavice. Dobro je izmeniti stvari i terati telo da se pita šta mu je. Imam sada bolji tonus mišića“, kaže. ,,Mislim, očigledno je da je on izuzetan u teretani, ali tokom naših treninga, on je uvek taj koji zabušava.“

VB Body će biti trajna „capsule“ kolekcija  koja će se naći zajedno sa njenom modernom sezonskom Viktorija Bekam ready-to-wear kolekcijom. Veličine su od 6 do 18 prema UK standardima, paleta boja koju je upotrebila su nijanse boje kože, cene su od 90 funti pa naviše. U Viktorijinoj garderobi trenutno se ponavlja haljina na jedno rame u narandžastoj boji u nijanski zalaska sunca i crne helanke. „Ali želim da ova kolekcija uključuje različite oblike tela, boje kože – i budžet“, kaže Bekam. “Ne tiče se samo mene.”

Slip haljina Victoria Beckham
Narukvice Saint Laurent

Samo što je tajni sastojak brenda Viktorija Bekam, kao što dizajnerka dobro zna, to što je zapravo reč o njoj. Od Spice Girls-a do modnog giganta, od toga da je na Vembli stadionu nastupala zajedno sa Kolin, Šeril i ekipom do današnjeg prvog reda na modnim revijama, od londonskog najzgodinijeg para devedesetih do transatlantske matrijarhat dinastije 21. veka, Bekam je oduvek davala publici interesantne priče. Što nas dovodi do toga da je sada napravila zaokret od lepršavih haljina ka uskim. „Već nekoliko godina, što sam više vremena provodila radeći u modi“, kaže ona, „više sam nosila odeće i završila sam zakopana ispod svih ovih „modnih“ slojeva“, navodi smejući se. „Tako da sam prošle godine dok sam bila u Majamiju i ponovo počela da izlazim posle Covid-a, želela promenu. Želela sam da se ponovo osećam seksi.” Inspirišući se sopstvenim vintage Alaja haljinama, postavila je svojim fabrikama izazov da ponovo preispitaju siluetu koja pristaje formi kojom je prvi put stekla ime, ali ovog puta u pletenini. ,,Sviđa mi se kako sam se osećala u Alaja haljinama. Njegov dizajn zaista odoleva zubu vremena, zato što su siluete jednostavne, tehnička egzekucija perfektna.“ (Taj savršeni kratki crni kardigan koji je mnogo puta nosila tokom nedavnih porodičnih okupljanja na Bekam jahti) ,,To želim da budu moje VB Body haljine: haljine koje možeš nositi iznova i iznova, jer je silueta bezvremenska i čini da se osećaš odlično.“ I da, ispostavilo se da je Dejvid veliki fan novog look-a. ,,Iako se oblačim za sebe, takođe volim da se i njemu sviđam u tim haljinama. Muškarci vole da vide malo oblina.“

Ali za Viktorijine najznačajnije pojave u javnosti tokom 2022. godine, nije bilo sucky-sucky haljina. Za venčanje najstarijeg sina Bruklina u Palm Biču prošlog meseca, ona i njena nova dizajnerka Lara Bario kreirale su dugu slip svilenu haljinu sa ručno sečenom francuskom čipkom. ,,Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da odlučim šta ču nositi“ kaže ona o svom svekrva outfit-u. ,,Dan nije bio vezan za mene, bio je Bruklinov i Nikolin. Želela sam da izgledam prikladno, da mi bude konforno i da budem svoja“ .

“Harper, čija je „anđeoska, slatka i jednostavna” haljina za deverušu bila Nikolina vizija, uživala je u svojoj ulozi podržavajući  svog voljenog starijeg brata čitavog dan, kao i u mogućnosti da se druži na Floridi sa svojim rođacima. Divno su se proveli.”

Slip haljina Victoria Beckham
Narukvice Saint Laurent

„Velika je stvar, vaše dete se ženi“, kaže Bekam. „Bila sam veoma emotivana. Dejvidov govor je bio prelep.” Mark Entoni, višestruko nagrađivani Gremi pevač, blizak prijatelj porodice Bekam i Kruzov kum, otpevao je četiri pesme, dok je Fet Toni pokrenuo after parti. „Mark Entoni i Fet Toni su takođe uradili neverovatan posao – uvek rade. Čini se kao da je juče Dejvid držao Bruklina u malom ljubičastom kaubojskom šeširu i ljubičastoj odeći na našem venčanju – a sada je naša beba oženjena.”

Ovog leta je 23. godišnjica braka Viktorije i Dejvida. „I rekli su da to neće trajati! Pričali su od trenutka kada smo se venčali i evo slavimo 23 godine“, smeje se ona. Tajna je, kaže ona, „u tome što imamo toliko poštovanja jedno prema drugom. Dejvid je neverovatan tata i muž, i veoma podržava moj rad. Zaista smo dobri partneri”. Ipak, ona neće tek tako lako deliti savete mladencima. „Klaudija i Nelson (Pelc) su takođe dugo bili u braku, tako da su Bruklin i Nikol oboje videli to kako su odrastali. Svi smo tu da ih podržimo.”

Dok je bila u Londonu, Viktorija je svakodnevno odlazila u kancelariju, radeći zajedno sa Bariom. „Ona ima besprekoran ukus. Veoma smo usklađene u našoj estetici, a ona donosi veliku energiju i iskustvo. Tim voli da je ovde.” Brend, koji tek treba da ostvari profit, našao je putanju rasta u 2019. neposredno pre nego što ga je pandemija ponovo zaustavila. „Oblačim žene za izlaske, putovanja, odlaske na posao – tako da nas je Covid naterao da preispitamo svoju strategiju“, kaže Viktorija. „Nismo u poziciji da uradimo nešto veliko ove godine, ali se nadam da će u septembru biti prezentacija ili mala modna revija”. U jeku londonske nedelje mode, ona se ne obavezuje da će svoju reviju održati u gradu u kojem je predsatvljala kolekcije od 2018. „Trenutno razmatramo različite opcije“, sve je što će reći. London, Njujork, Pariz… Majami? „To neće biti Majami. Ali još uvek radimo na odabiru grada.”

Viktorijin telefon zvoni, a Romeov glas se čuje iz Majamija. („Zdravo mama! Ja sam!“). Posle kratkog ćaskanja, ona mu šalje poljubac i obećava da će se javiti kada završimo. „Toliko mi nedostaje“, uzdiše ona. „Dejvid i ja smo prošli put od četvoro dece kod kuće sa nama do jednog i po deteta. Bruklin i Nikol će živeti između LA-a i Palm Biča, Romeo živi u Majamiju, a Kruz je između kuće i internata. Samo Harper, koja ovog leta puni 11 godina i koja će u septembru krenuti u srednju školu, još uvek je puno radno vreme kod kuće”.

„Svi volimo da smo u Majamiju. A moj kozmetički tim, koji je veoma važan deo mog poslovanja, nalazi se u Njujorku, tako da i ja tamo često idem. Ali London je mesto gde svaki dan dolazim u kancelariju i gde Harper ide u školu. Ova godina je novo poglavlje za moj brend i za našu porodicu – ali London je i dalje dom.”

English here:

Mrs Beckham knows her way around a good dress – as seen as that recent family wedding. Now, she’s back with an affordable new collection (and it’s sexy) 

WORDS: Jess Cartner-Morley

It is a sunny spring day in her London office, and Victoria Beckham is holding her immaculately manicured hands in front of her, gesturing as if she were stroking and squeezing a football. Or perhaps a giant peach. 

“Every woman wants a nice, round, curvy bottom, right?” she says. “For that, you need a really tight knit that nips you in at the waist and holds you in all the right places. You need fully fashioned details, considered and perfectly placed to create a really flattering silhouette. That’s how you make what I call the ultimate sucky-sucky dress.” 

Rajf sa lateks zečijim ušima Atusko Kudo
Kardigan Victoria Beckham
Veš What Katie Did
Čipkani šorts raspoloživ za rentiranje u Found and Vision

The more official name for the “sucky-sucky dresses” which are inspiring Victoria Beckham to caress an imaginary derriere for my benefit is VB Body, a just-launched line of jersey dresses and separates which are taking the designer back to her bodycon roots. After a decade of pussy-bow blouses and wide-legged tailored trousers, of midi-length dresses and oversized tailoring knits, Beckham is once again embracing the sultry date-night looks with which she first won over a sceptical fashion industry when she pitched up in a hotel room during New York fashion week with a clothes rail of va-va voom dresses, back in 2008. 

Fast-forward to Miami in the spring of 2021. Escaping Britain’s never-ending lockdowns, the Beckhams are hanging out en famille in the city where David Beckham co-owns the Inter Miami football team. “There are a lot of really curvy women in Miami, and they really own it, you know?” recalls Beckham. “They walk along Miami beach with *begin itals*not*end itals* a lot of clothes on, and they look fantastic. They show their bodies off with such confidence. I found both their attitude and their style really liberating. And as a mother, I loved the fact that Harper was around women who were really celebrating their curves and enjoying how they look.” 

“It’s an old-fashioned attitude, wanting to be really thin,” says Beckham today. “I think women today want to look healthy, and curvy. They want to have some boobs – and a bum.” On her ring finger, a diamond the size of a Jelly Baby catches the light as she squeezes her imaginary peach for emphasis. “The curvier you are, the better my VB Body dresses look.” 

Majica Cowboys of Habit
Suknja (dostupna uskoro) Victoria Beckham

Dressed all in black, with thigh-high Balenciaga stiletto stocking boots under a long split skirt and silk blouse from her own collection, she appears as slender as ever. When I point this out, she shrugs. “It’s not about being a certain size. It’s about knowing who you are and being happy with who you are. I have found my own balance between wanting to have fun and being disciplined about eating healthily and working out. When you’re younger you fight against that balance, but through being older I’ve reached a place where I know what that balance looks like. I just know what works for me.” 

But she also wants “as good a bottom as I can get” – to which end, she’s been doing a *begin itals*lot*end itals* of squats every morning. After years of doing Tracey Anderson’s method “and tons of cardio” she has switched up her fitness regime to focus on lifting heavy weights five or six days a week, with David and their personal trainer. “I’ve always been a bit scared of weights, but it turns out I love them. I’ve even got those special gloves to wear! It’s good to switch things up and keep your body guessing. I’ve got so much more muscle tone now, she says.” What’s David Beckham like as a workout buddy? “Hilarious,” she says. “I mean, obviously he’s amazing in the gym, but in our sessions he’s always the one who procrastinates.” 

VB Body will be a ‘permanent capsule’ collection to sit alongside the fashion-led seasonal Victoria Beckham ready-to-wear collections. Sizes range from a UK 6 to 18; a colour palette has been chosen to work across a range of skin tones, and price points start at £90. On repeat in Beckham’s own wardrobe right now is a one-shoulder dress in sunset orange, and black leggings. “But I want this to be inclusive of body shape, of skin colour – and of budget,” Beckham says. “This isn’t just about me.”
Kaput Gucci
Rolka (dostupna uskoro) VB Body
Helanke VB Body
Cipele Christian Louboutin

Except that the secret sauce of the Victoria Beckham brand, as the designer knows very well, is that it is actually *begin itals*always*end itals* about her. From Spice Girl to fashion mogul, from being a Wembley Stadium WAG alongside Coleen, Cheryl and co to today’s place in fashion’s front row, from half of Nineties London’s hottest couple to the matriarch of a 21st century transatlantic dynasty, Beckham has always given her public seriously compelling storylines. Which brings us to how she pivoted from floaty dresses to tight ones, before plot-twisting back. “For quite a few years, the more time I spent working in fashion,” she says, “the more clothes I wore and I ended up buried under all these ‘fashion’ layers,” she says laughing. “So last year when I was in Miami and starting to go out again post-Covid, I wanted a change. I wanted to feel sexy again.” Taking inspiration from her collection of vintage Azzedine Alaia dresses, she set her factories the challenge of revisiting the form fitting silhouette with which she first made her name, but this time in knit. “I love how Azzedine’s dresses made me feel. His designs really stand the test of time, because the shapes are simple but the technical execution is perfect.” (That perfect cropped black cardigan that made repeat appearances on the recent family holiday on the Beckham’s yacht, Seven? Vintage Azzedine.) “That’s what I want VB Body to be: dresses that you wear time and time again, because the silhouette is timeless and makes you feel great.” And yes, as it happens, David is a big fan of the new look. “Much as I do dress for myself, I also love the fact that he (David) loves me in these dresses. Men love to see a bit of shape.” 

But for Victoria’s most high-profile appearance of 2022, there was not a sucky-sucky dress to be seen. For her eldest son Brooklyn’s Palm Beach wedding last month, she and her newly appointed design director Lara Barrio created a floor-length slip dress in liquid-effect silk, trimmed with hand-cut French lace. “It took me quite a while to figure out what I wanted to wear,” she says of her mother-of-the-groom outfit. “The day wasn’t about me, it was about Brooklyn and Nicola. So I wanted to look appropriate, and really to be comfortable and to feel like myself.” Harper, whose “angelic, sweet and simple” bridesmaid dress was Nicola’s vision, loved her role supporting her beloved big brother “and the whole day, and being able to hang out in Florida with her cousins. They had a wonderful time.” 

“It’s a big deal, your child getting married,” says Beckham. “I was very emotional. David’s speech was beautiful.” Marc Anthony, a multi-Grammy award winning singer, close friend of the Beckham family and Cruz’s godfather, sang four songs, while Fat Tony got the after-party going. “Marc Anthony and Fat Tony did an amazing job too – they always do. It seems like yesterday that David was holding Brooklyn in his little purple cowboy hat and purple outfit at our wedding – and now our baby is married.”

Kardigan Victoria Beckham
Brushalter dostupan za rentiranje u Found and Vision
Suknja VB Body
CIpele Manolo Blahnik

This summer will be Victoria and David’s 23rd wedding anniversary. “And they said it wouldn’t last! From the minute we got married and here we are about to celebrate 23 years,” she laughs. The secret, she says, is “that we have so much respect for each other. David is an incredible dad, and husband, and he’s very supportive of my work. We are really good partners.” Still, she won’t be jumping in to offer advice to the newlyweds. “Claudia and Nelson (Peltz) have also been married a long time, so Brooklyn and Nicola have both seen that growing up. All of us are there to support them.”

Back in London, Victoria has been back to the office every day, working alongside Barrio. “She has impeccable taste. We are very aligned in our aesthetic, and she brings a great energy and experience. The team love having her here.” The label, which is yet to turn a profit, had found a growth trajectory in 2019 just before the pandemic set it back again. “I dress women to go out, to travel, to go out to work – so Covid made us rethink our strategy,” says Victoria. “The business isn’t in a position to do anything huge this year, but I am hoping there will be a presentation or a small show in September.” In a blow to London fashion week, she isn’t committing to keeping her show in the city where she has been on schedule since 2018. “We are looking at different options at the moment,” is all she will say. London, New York, Paris….Miami? “It won’t be Miami. But we are still working on the city.” 

Victoria’s phone rings, and Romeo’s voice comes down the line from Miami. (“Hi mum! It’s me!”) After a quick chat she blows him a kiss and promises to call back when we’re done. “I miss him so much,” she sighs. “David and I have gone from having four kids at home with us, to having one and a half. Brooklyn and Nicola are going to be living between LA and Palm Beach, Romeo’s living in Miami, and Cruz is in-between home and boarding school.” Only Harper, who turns 11 this summer and will start secondary school in September, is still home full time. “We all love being in Miami. And my beauty team, which is a super important part of my business, is based in New York so I go there a lot too. But London is where I come to the office every day and where Harper goes to school. This year is a new chapter for my brand, and for our family – but London is still home.” 
Kardigan Victoria Beckham
Brushalter dostupan za rentiranje u Found and Vision


Photographer: @boo_george_studio
Stylist: @luke_jefferson_day
Photographer Assistants: @david_mannion_ @j.e.milsom @sebastian_mccluskey
Digital Tech: @slick__studio
Stylist Assistants: poppyscarlet__ @remyfarrell
Hair: @jamesrowehair @bryantartists
Makeup: @valeriaferreiramakeup @thewallgroup using @victoriabeckhambeauty
Nails: @sharonbnails
Creative Director: @cazroberts
Shoot Producer: @nathanhighamshootproducer
Social Media Producer: @lilliansesiguzel